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there is just so much and yet

There is just *so much,* it is so constant and overwhelming, the line keeps moving and then is obliterated anew by the next wave of the appalling, the unforgivable.

And yet I believe it is important that we force ourselves at times to mark the moment, when a particularly significant line has been crossed. I do believe we need to continue to say these things out loud; to do more than shrug and throw up our hands at the cascading barrage of it all.


The President endorsed Roy Moore for Senate yesterday.

That's important.

Roy Moore is a credibly-accused child molester. He has been accused by multiple women of assaulting them when they were teenagers, when he was in his 30s.

Have you listened to his accusers?

If you haven't, you should really listen to his accusers.

President Trump endorsed Roy Moore for Senate yesterday.

That's where we are.

I know that MSNBC's Steve Schmidt is, in a sense, paid to say things that cut through the noise, which in turn creates something of a can-you-top-this level of noises and raises and new, even more hysterical-sounding noises.

And yet I do not believe he is being hysterical, or histrionic, or over-the-top, when he says this:

“The line is drawn, the die are cast, the forces of decency are against the forces of indecency.

“This exposes a profound moral rot in the country, in the Republican Party. A great test for the citizens of state of Alabama.

“We’ve reached the hour that George Washington warned us about. A political tribalism that’s so corrosive, so corrupting, that it could take otherwise normal, decent people that you’d encounter on any day, and make them defend the indefensible and the profoundly indecent."

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